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Writer's picture Jenifer Ries

Why its important to tell my story now

Updated: Feb 16, 2020

I’m not sure what took me so long. I think it was embarrassment. I didn’t want anyone to associate me as “the girl who is chronically sick”. I kept my illness very private with only my close friends and family understanding what was happening. It made me cry to talk about it. I was really, really sad that I couldn’t be productive for my family. I also didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me or to be upset about what I was going through. I needed help and didn’t have any idea where to find it but I did know for certain that it was out there. After two decades I am ready to share my story. It is a miraculous healing story. Why now? What I have learned and have experimented with has cured me and is helping others with all kinds of different ailments. The fact that I'm alive to tell this story is proof. I am now very proud of this. The living part I mean. I survived AND cured my disease through knowledge and foods that create these incredibly healing microbes. I can and have changed others also. This is why I have to tell my story. I know it can help anyone and I want to teach you how. I wish I had access to this information and these healing foods years ago when I was going through my health crisis.

At the beginning, even as I would listen to others tell me about their debilitating illnesses I remained quiet. I thought these people would just think I was crazy after all I am not a doctor and have had no medical training. But doctors and current western medicine could not help me. They tried and tried. All of them are very conscientious, highly-trained, incredibly intelligent medical professionals. They were just concentrating on the wrong aspect of my immune system. Once I discovered the source of the problem and slowly started to turn my health around, I couldn’t stop learning about it. I still can’t and I want to share this information so that it can help others in the same situation who have tried everything but just are not getting results. I really want to help people understand the power of their own bodies to heal themselves and be the person they are meant to be. I admit, it takes time. But what do you have to lose and what do you have to gain? Almost everyone I told this to before they tried it thought the same thing, they were a little skeptical. Until they started seeing results too! No one can do this for you it has to be done by you. This is the most rewarding feeling as you will find out just how much you can accomplish and what you are capable of! Yes it is always recommended to seek professional medical advice but work on the things you can change. Do this for you!

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