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Writer's picture Jenifer Ries

Take a Forest Bath this Week!

It is a very stressful time for many of us. Whether you are part of the essential work-force (thank you) or currently not working (not by your choice) this is tough. Mental health is important. It is a big part of your personal army. Here is something that actually has science behind it that could help. Forest Bathing! If you can't get to a bonafide forest then a walking trail or a local park will do. Thankfully our parks are open here in Florida and taking advantage of the many health benefits the outdoors offer is really important right now. Besides the obvious effects of fresh air and the benefits your body gets from moving, there is also a positive effect on your microbiome. When you're around nature you are naturally sharing beneficial microbes from the plants and animals that live there. From the birds flying overhead, to the squirrels running up the trees and in my case (I'm in Florida) the alligators swimming in the water, it is all beneficial and diverse. Not to mention the vitamin D you will be getting from the sun (a whole other topic on to itself). There is even more to this! The study referenced below documented the "enhanced natural killer activity and the expression of anti-cancer proteins". Another study measuring forest bathing effects on cardiovascular and metabolic parameters on middle-aged males stated that "The forest bathing program significantly reduced pulse-rate and significantly increased the score for vigor and decreased the scores for depression, fatigue, anxiety, and confusion." We didn't need an actual study to reveal walking in nature is good for us but it doesn't hurt to see there is actual scientific proof that this is does wonders for us.

The concept of forest bathing started in Japan. It is not a jog, a run, or even a brisk walk, but an immersion in nature. Becoming aware of your surroundings concentrating on all five senses, this is for you. If you bring your phone, just make sure it is turned off so you can dive into the full experience. Take in all the colors with your eyes; the flowers, the green trees, and don't forget to look up and take in the color of the vast blue sky. Listen to the sounds of the birds, the wind, the insects and the sound of your own breath. Breathe through your nose and exhale through your mouth taking deep breaths. Notice the different smells you encounter. We are lucky to live seven minutes away from our local botanical gardens. There are so many flowers throughout the park and as the old saying goes "take time to smell the flowers", well this is why. Touch the trees and the different plants.

Before you go, make yourself a healing drink. If you have a recycled glass bottle, use that as good bacteria love glass. Your drink can be your own concoction but here are a few ideas. The night before you can soak some cucumber, fresh herbs and lemon in filtered water. Place in the fridge and you'll have your own vitamin-infused water to bring with you. If you drink kefir, this is one of my favorite probiotic waters: Separate the kefir whey (liquid gold) from your kefir. I usually just skim what is on the top and put it in a glass bottle to reserve for things like this. Add a 1/4 cup of kefir whey, fresh lemon juice and some honey or stevia to your bottle and you'll have a delicious probiotic lemonade to enjoy in nature. Another favorite of mine is to use 2T of apple cider vinegar, honey and filtered water. Lastly, bring your favorite kombucha which is another fantastic way to add probiotics to your walk. Treating yourself by making a healing drink and enjoying it in the outdoors is immensely soothing and completes the fifth sense of taste. You will love how you feel after your forest therapy session. This is something anyone can do that costs nothing but makes you feel like you just spent a fortune on therapy. Take the time to take care of yourself:)

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