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Writer's picture Jenifer Ries

Kefir's History is a Mystery

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

As I stated in my story, I have tried a lot of different diets, therapies and foods (or lack of via fasting) in my pursuit of getting my health back. I’m sure they all helped in some way but none of them made me feel instantly better like my favorite living food, kefir. After my first glass I knew that was how I always wanted to feel. At the beginning of my healing journey that’s all I consumed as far as probiotic foods. This was changing me though. Just kefir! What exactly is it about this fermented milk that is so special and where did it come from?

First of all kefir is an ancient practice. There is so much folklore surrounding this. It has been referenced in many ancient scribes. Kefir grains were carefully guarded and considered a source of wealth. They were thought to be a competitive advantage for the people who obtained them. Abraham credited his long life

to kefir. Some scholars say that kefir was what the Manna was referring to. The supernatural food that fell down from heaven to feed the children of Israel to sustain them on their 40 year journey through the desert. There are other references saying these grains were given to Noah on the ark from an angel to keep him nourished.

The reason there is so much mystery surrounding this particular starter culture is that we cannot make new kefir grains from the combination of bacteria and yeasts they contain. Scientists have tried. They have been able to isolate the different strains to understand what they are made of but they can’t piece them together to recreate an actual kefir grain! I find this fascinating!

Ancient cultures used kefir grains to preserve their milk.

The milk came from camels, goats or cows. Since there was no refrigeration these grains enabled their milk to last longer before spoiling. These ancient people found that when they drank kefir, they felt better and suffered less from pathogens or digestive problems. The word kefir comes from the Turkish word meaning “good feeling”.

It is no wonder to me that the history of this magical food is so vast and so profound. It was so popular because of the way it preserved milk before refrigeration but this is exactly what it does for your body. It PRESERVES it!

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