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Writer's picture Jenifer Ries

It All Started With Kefir

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

Sometimes, you look back a certain moment, one that happened long ago and wonder what if that exact scenario never took place? What if I never had that experience? What would my life look like today? I feel that way about the time I was first introduced to kefir. It has changed my life so profoundly. I am so grateful for that day that I will never forget. I was in Los Angeles visiting my sister. We had a whole day of shenanigans planned. We loved to go around the city, my sister taking the lead and introducing me to all the amazing things that makes LA, LA. There is such innovation happening in the field of functional foods. It feels like a world on hyper speed with all the ideas and new found remedies. So naturally when I told my sister I wasn’t feeling great she would have some kind of herbal remedy that would turn me around in an LA minute! She wanted to know my symptoms. I told her it was my stomach, that it really didn’t feel well. Upon hearing someones plight her usual course of action would be to go to her medicine cabinet and find some kind of natural herbal remedy. This time though she went to her refrigerator instead. She poured me a glass of something that looked like thick milk and said, “drink it and don’t complain”. It tastes that bad, I thought? But didn’t dare say it.. When I asked her what it was she repeated “just drink it, you’ll be fine!” Of course I did because she always has the answer! Ten minutes later (I am not exaggerating) I was feeling great! No issues whatsoever! I was really surprised it worked that quickly.! When I asked her again what it was she told me it was kefir and that you can make it yourself and that it could be your next project. The understatement of the century:) . That was more than 5 years ago. Fast forward to today and kefir is something I have on a daily basis, it is a big part of my existence. When I returned home from that trip I had to find out everything I could about kefir, how to make it myself and why it made me feel so good. What I found out was so much more than I could have bargained for!! I became immersed in bacteria (the good kind) and microbiology and one of our biggest organs in the human body, our microbiome!! We are more bacteria than we are human cells! Why have we been ignoring this fact? As it turns out, we didn’t know. The science of our health is changing dramatically and changing constantly. But learning the idea that we need to care for these microbes that care for us, just seemed to make so much sense. It was like something just clicked! It was why I was diagnosed with an immune deficiency. It was how I lost the vision in my left eye. My body was shutting down, little by little. I was terrified. I was worried about what was next, what was the next thing to go? Then I went on a mission. A mission to learn as much as possible about how this stuff worked and how I could build up my microbiome to be like a protective army inside of me ready fight off anything that wanted to harm me. It has been a mission that began with kefir but has taken me on a path delving much deeper into the world of microbes. It is exciting because not only has this helped me in so many ways but it has also helped my family and friends who wanted to try all of these wonderful cultured foods. This site is dedicated to the health of our beneficial bacteria and how we can promote their growth. This is not just crucial if you are already experiencing a health challenge but can also be your competitive edge if you are in good health to become even better! Come back and visit us here for current information, healing stories and recipes to learn how to promote a better microbiome. Also visit our social media pages where others are sharing their healing stories and ideas. \We want to hear your miraculous healing stories so that they may inspire other!

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